Food Art by Foster

So I know you’ve all been waiting for this.

Yes, here I am by Mom’s pantry, where I am not supposed to be, but it’s for the blog, so I don’t think she’ll mind. After all, she said I could do a post about my culinary skills, otherwise known as “Food Art by Foster”.

What exactly is food art? Let me show you some examples. These photos both came from Pinterest. The insect snacks were posted by “” and the banana dolphins were from ““.

Now, of course we cats do have a bit less to work with, considering our food is mostly the same day in and day out. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get creative if we put our minds to it.

When I was little, my main technique was putting things in my food dish, like this catnip fish.

I even tried to share with Panda if I thought he looked hungry.

Somehow I don’t think he really got the hang of it, but at least I tried.

Just so you know, I really don’t care much for canned food, but if there was any around, I’m sure I could find it.

You may have seen this in “So Many Topics”. It was one of my first attempts at real food art, and I thought it turned out pretty well. You can’t go wrong with a smiley face, especially when your mom was a “child of the 70s”. Or more accurately, she was a child in the 60s, and a teenager in the 70s. But I digress.

This is when I was trying to show her that no matter what generation she’s from, she’s still #1 in my book!

Taking a little creative license with the basic smiley face design. I was going for the Groucho Marx look with the eyebrows.

For this face I took the minimalist approach.

You may remember that Panda and I have been to Italy before, so I was pretty sure Mom would recognize this one.

We’ve also been to India, where we helped the police and solved our first crime. So I thought it couldn’t hurt to do a map to commemorate that adventure as well.

Mom is pretty sure this one is Mexico and Central America. I can tell you, we’ve had plenty of adventures there, too! If you missed them, start with “An Adventure in Mexico” and follow the links.

And, for a bit of abstract art, a random swirl and a giant exclamation mark.

Depending on how you look at it, this one could be a hedgehog (keep staring), or just a reminder to Mom that my food dish is almost empty.

Now, if I could just get these cabinets open, I might be able to find some more food. . .

22 thoughts on “Food Art by Foster

  1. Oh what fun! I am pleased that Foster is into things still. Gosh though, going to Italy was such a long time with Foster and Panda, wasn’t it. Foster was still quite young then. Shall we go back again?😀😺🐼🍨

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