Whimsical Gardens

In this post I will show you some of my earliest whimsical gardens, so we can all see how they have evolved over the years.



These are some of my earliest whimsical garden “prototypes”.  Many of them were done while I was at chemotherapy with my husband. When it comes to cancer, a great number of things in your life are beyond your control. One thing I discovered was that during uncomfortable times I could “retreat” into a whimsical world where I did have control, and where all the characters were cute and carefree.

My goal with these drawings was never to make them look “real”. For me to draw something that looks “real” I have to be looking at a photograph, and even then the word “real” is relative! But whimsical is something I can find inside my own mind – I can “control” the way  it turns out, and since it’s not supposed to look real, just about anything that gets down on paper can qualify as a success!

sunflowers and fence
These are some of my first giant sunflowers.
Loosely based on some “flowers clipart” I found online in 2011.


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From November 2011.
One of the very first ones, four months after the initial diagnosis.
After awhile I started coloring in the backgrounds, mostly the sky.
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Then I wondered how it would look to have different colors for the backgrounds.
sunflower garden 60s
One of my favorites.
whimsical fence
A whimsical fence.