ABC Animals

One thing I didn’t expect when I started this blog was that I would “meet” so many interesting and nice people (and pets) out there in the “blog world”.

In case you didn’t know, Foster has been helping me blog ever since he was a baby.

Along with Foster’s “blog friends” we have also found some really cool blogs about art. (Just as a reminder, this did start out to be an “art related” blog, right?)

sidewalk 4
A lot of things can be considered art, including the sidewalk, if you are whimsically minded…

So…back to the subject. Two of my new “blog friends” are Sharon and Jill . They are both artists who have posts on their blogs about alphabet journals. You can click on their names to see their art. I got inspired by reading about their projects and decided to start an alphabet journal of my own, so I thought I would share my “progress” with you. (I have also included links to give you some background in case you are new and haven’t seen my earlier “art related” posts.)favorite notebookI’m using this sketchbook , because it’s the perfect size for a simple design and it’s small enough to take places. During the years when Mark was in chemo, and the months he was in home hospice, I managed to fill quite a few of these, as you can see below. all notebooksOkay so enough about sketchbooks. Let’s go on to the ABCs! (And it’s here that I might mention, that’s as far as I’ve gotten: A, B, and C…)armadillo small“Armadillo” was the obvious choice for the letter “A”. To understand why, you can read my post entitled “Whimsical Armadillos”, where you’ll see why Whimsical Armadillos have a special place in my heart.butterfly smallI love drawing butterflies, so the letter “B” was smallI thought after doing “A” and “B” that I would stick with a “Talavera” theme throughout my alphabet journal, but then the idea of a black and white tuxedo cat occurred to me.dolphinToday I took my sketchbook to Barnes and Noble where I started on “D” while sipping coffee and eating a spinach and feta stuffed pretzel…(which was a pretty tasty snack, in case you were wondering).abc listI sat down with my grandson earlier this week and we made a partial list of animals I could draw for my animal alphabet journal. You’ll notice for the letter “I” the word is “iris” (yes I know an iris is a flower, not an animal… but at the time I was thinking I may  have to do some non-animals if I ran out of ideas.)

So stay tuned for future alphabet posts!  Until then, you can always take a nap…


feet off of shelf
Truth in blogging: No desks were cleared off in the making of this post.



4 thoughts on “ABC Animals

  1. Oh my, the alphabet book is amazing. I love your colors, subjects and designs. Thank you so much for mentioning me and Jill in your blog today. I’m so happy we can all inspire one another. Thank you Nana!

  2. 50 years ago I used to carry a sketchbook and do pencil drawings of mostly structures and scenery, I forgot about it until I read this post. I never drew again. Thank you for bringing that memory back. I can still remember some sketches though the book is long gone. Also 10 years ago my blog was only half cats and half anything else! Things change.


    1. Wow Greg that’s awesome that you used to draw! I try to take something to draw on wherever I go, especially if I know I will be there awhile, like the doctor’s office or the car wash! Drawing is highly therapeutic for me. Maybe you could start a new sketchbook and draw your kitties! 😊🐱🐼

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